
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Visual Food (B)log

In an attempt to stay motivated to eat healthy, whole, natural foods (in a world of highly processed "food" full of too many types of sugar to count, super cheap fast food on every corner, and an ever-growing number of unpronounceable ingredients in mainstream products), I've started a visual food diary to document everything I consume for the next little while. My hope is that this will not only be a faster/easier way to keep track of what I'm eating (and how much) than writing it down or logging it into an online calorie counter, but also act as a type of accountability to curb those indulgent desires that can easily go from "enjoying a once-in-a-while treat" to "let's eat macarons for lunch and have fried chicken for dinner" on a regular basis. Because nothing good happens when you visit Popeyes twice in one week and cram your face full of sugar.

You can check out my progress here, or go to the "visual food log" tab at the top of this blog, where there is a page with the permanent link to the site. And while you're at it, Erin's food blog (my inspiration) is totally fantastic and encouraging (yay, lots of veggies, complex carbs, and whole foods in general!!) and has much better photography, so you should take a look-see at hers as well. Plus, how awesome is the name "No Sneaky Snacks"?!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What ho, old things!

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!! Whee!! Oh, I'm sorry, don't mind me. I'm just high on the awesomeness that is P.G. Wodehouse and the fact that after OVER TWO MONTHS of (semi) patiently waiting for Eugene to be repaired, I am FINALLY sitting in the comfort of my own home, typing away on a functional laptop again! I say, that does rather perk one up a bit, what?

And so, it is my great pleasure to introduce you all to Eulily, my brand new, straight out of the box, fresh from the store, long-awaited Toshiba personal computing machine! She is, of course, named in honour of PGW himself, as a tribute to his comic genius and all around brilliance as a writer, creative mind, and human being, with a nod to the late great Eugene thrown in for good measure. I'm sure at this juncture Wilson would have a choice word or two to insert about the level of one's mental fitness when one begins naming inanimate objects, but he's still at work and as you can tell, I am too euphoric to be persuaded of anything by mere reason and logic. Huzzah!!!

(The thought occurs: euphoric might actually be an understatement...)

Currently reading: Yours, Plum; the Letters of P.G. Wodehouse // waaaaay too many End User Licensing Agreements and the like O.o